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BBC News: Production restarts at BP Clair Platform after leak

Production has restarted from a BP platform off Shetland from which oil leaked earlier this month.

An estimated 95 tonnes of oil was released into the water from the Clair platform.

BP said: “Clair was taken offline following a technical issue with the system that separates water, oil and gas.

“Our investigation into this incident is ongoing however the technical issues we encountered have been resolved.”

The Clair platform is 75km (46 miles) west of Shetland. It was shut down after the leak.

MSPs were previously told it is “lucky” that more serious damage had not been done to the environment.

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said initial surveillance showed the oil was moving in a north-easterly direction and the most appropriate response was to allow the oil to disperse naturally.

The environment secretary also said there had been one single incident, rather than a continuous leak.

She described the leak as being “at the absolute minimum in terms of what may have happened”.

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