The Sullom Voe Association Ltd has recently purchased a RIB on behalf of SOTEAG in order to facilitate the ornithological monitoring programme. For more information on the monitoring programmes please follow this link.
The ornithological monitoring programme surveys seabird populations across Shetland. Many factors were taken into consideration when the programme was designed such as the innate mobile nature of birds, migration patterns and their vulnerability to floating oil slicks and illegal discharge from passing tankers. The new vessel will enable Martin Huebeck (SOTEAG Seabird Monitor) to access a greater number of sites and at distances further from the shore than has previously been possible, resulting in an increased amount of information being added to the already impressive 28 year data set. If you are interested in reading past reports please get in touch (contact us) .
The artwork on the vessel was printed and attached by Artmachine (a design company based in Shetland).